Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Democrats Never Want Blacks to Solve Problems that Hurt Blacks

Marc Lamont Hill made a fool of himself. No wonder the Mascot of the democrat party is a Jack Ass, because Democrats turn into one as they always buck up against actual evidence, facts, data and statistics based in the real world. Both cops and blacks have issues that they have to deal with. Democrats NEVER WANT BLACKS TO SOLVE THOSE ISSUES even if police work to resolve their issues.

Facts have to matter IF Black Lives truly matter as they claim. We the Black people of America need to get it together. We are being confronted with the reality of failed economic condition in the black community as the direct result of electing the same Democrats and their economic failure design to keep the poverty- crime cycle going while using rich black popular pimps in the entertainment industry to encourage us all to vote for the next Democrat slave master. Blacks in these big cities need to wake up and realize that the marketing stereotype against Republicans has ALWAYS been the Direct Opposite of reality. When Facts Matter the eyes of all of us Black people will be suddenly be opened as we realize Racism and the racists control has NEVER changed inside the Democrat Party --- the only thing that changed was the democrat marketing and media spin. Good marketing can make or brainwash the mindless masses into thinking eating other people's doo doo is good for your health and smoking a substance with more cancer-causing toxins in it than tobacco cures cancer.

Once the DNC (Democrat National Convention) E-mail Leak was exposed, even Bernie Sanders admitted that the Democrat Party was full of prejudice people to this day, regardless of all the media marketing about unity. Democrats Intentionally destroy the economies of major cities so that they always have a large percentage of people economically dependent on Government, so that they can use that dependence to market "FEAR OF LOSING" their economic chains and restraints of government. They create fear about leaving the modern day plantation and economic freedom so they allow high risk loan sharks to keep blacks chained to debt and Democrat controlled schools refuse to teach blacks about investing and good money management because they never wanted Blacks to be free. Then without money what's left ... Gangs ... Crime ... drugs ... then after that ... Shootings to defend the turf by killing competitors or potential competitors then of course jail time. In the big cities Republicans have controlled for decades Blacks have fared much better than in the biggest that Democrats have controlled for decades. Its time for A BLACKLASH REVOLT! VOTE OUT EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY ABANDONED US --- SO WE AS BLACK PEOPLE MUST Abandon them.

Even after electing the First Black President (a Democrat) Blacks have suffered economically WORSE THAN with BUSH or Reagan. Every Democrat talks about the problem of poverty, however Democrats make too much money and gain too much power over our lives and within government to allow us to be economically FREE. Slavery, Jim Crow Laws, Planned Parenthood Black Genocide Program and Klu Klux Klan all originated from the Democrat Party and today Democrats are pushing the Poverty-Crime-Prison-Death Cycle while controlling us and killing us with their false imagery of good intentions. Then Democrats always blame Republicans for the Problems and conditions Democrats have created for generations and decades. Aren't you ready for a Change? It's TIME FOR US TO VOTE BLACK TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY - the Party that actually solves problems and creates economic freedom.

Ronald Reagan created the Black middle class. Democrat use "Racist White Privilege propaganda and Critical Race theory to keep Minorities too divided, too distracted and too disenfranchised to change their mindset, attitudes and decisions necessary to vote for economic their economic freedom. Democrats use those ideas in order to down grade the black SELF-IMAGE so that we end up defeating ourselves. Socialism is ultimate economic slavery and it always comes before economic collapse.

I DARE YOU TO WATCH the Movie "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democrat Party".   Then join the Revolution. Hillary Clinton will be more of the same ... just worse.